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Re:Birth Volume 3

The article that stood out was the summary of research on homebirth, one of the first articles of the paper, but I’ve already written on that and sadly the articles seem a little too similar to have been written 25 years apart. But a little aside – if you read this issue closely, I get a few mentions, including a brief synopsis of my birth!

Birth Story: Kristy and Baby Rainy

The second birth story from mom Kristy in Kansas. For anyone who wonders if you can do it differently the second time around, read this second beautiful home birth story from Kristy!

Doula Directory

My hope here is to create an extensive worldwide doula directory and will start one step at a time. Please contact me if you would like your information listed here ( CANADA British Columbia Birth

My Birthing Story

The story of the birth of my daughter and the lessons I was able to take home from the entire experience.

Where Would You Be Safest Giving Birth? Hint: Not the USA

Where would you rather give birth - in the USA or Albania? Most of you would probably say the USA yet your chances of survival would then be lower. Yes, you as a mother are more likely to die from childbirth-related problems in the USA than Albania. Does that surprise you?

Science Misunderstandings Understood

When you write about science articles, there are bound to be some things that people just don’t get. The thing is, it’s hugely important that we do understand what science is saying if we’re going to use it to help people understand the potential outcomes of their parenting choices.
