Why “Delayed” Cord Clamping Should Be the Norm

2020-10-26T17:44:53-04:00July 3rd, 2013|

In today’s modern birthing picture, you finish birthing your baby and the doctor immediately clamps the cord and you wait to expel the placenta before cutting. However, this isn’t actually the norm around the world (though notably there is variability worldwide in clamping practices). Often, mothers engage in what is, in our culture, called “delayed cord clamping” and there’s reason to believe we ought to be changing our norms as well…

We are people, not guinea pigs

2020-10-26T17:31:17-04:00June 4th, 2012|

Like it or not, pregnant women and the children they bear are the guinea pigs of medicine. For us and our children, it is safe until proven otherwise (despite how often that otherwise crops up) and yet our faith in the medical establishment as a whole keeps many people from speaking out.

Guest Post: Birth Day (A Poem)

2020-08-21T14:10:28-04:00May 28th, 2012|

Trisha Lawrie has kindly shared three incredibly powerful poems regarding birth and I am thrilled to share them. I feel they speak to so much that we speak of on EP and give voice to experiences that, sadly, far too many women experience during the birth process. Though "enjoy" isn't quite the right word, I hope you find these as moving and powerful as I have. Today I share the first of the three entitled Birth Day, a reflection on Ms. Lawrie's personal experience.
