Making Your Bed Safe for Babies

2020-10-26T18:08:40-04:00May 29th, 2019|

Many families will end up bedsharing at some point without having properly prepared for it. Whatever your plans are, take a moment to review your bed and your situation to ensure that bedsharing is as safe as possible if or when it comes to it.

Understanding and Helping Toddler Sleep (Part I)

2020-10-26T17:35:17-04:00March 25th, 2013|

Every parent has despaired of their toddler's night waking, no matter where the toddler sleeps and no matter the circumstances surrounding the desperation. Although there is great disagreement regarding whether infants should be able to sleep through the night, the expectation that toddlers Can and Should sleep through the night without wakings parents is generally well accepted.

The “Difficult” Baby: Part One

2020-10-26T18:21:03-04:00March 6th, 2012|

You’ve probably heard it a hundred times. Parents talking about their child and why parenting was so hard: He was just such a difficult baby. It’s supposed to explain the frazzled looks, the endless crying, and every other negative trait we attribute to the baby in question. But does it?
