Guest Post: Finding What Works for Sleep

2020-10-26T17:38:49-04:00August 13th, 2015|

"He would wake after two hours of being in the crib, though he had been sleeping longer stretches while in our bed. I attributed it to him realizing it was a different sleeping environment. Once he would cry, I would put him back in our bed for the rest of the night. I tried it again the next night and the same thing happened. So, we gave up the crib for a while."

Understanding and Helping Toddler Sleep (Part I)

2020-10-26T17:35:17-04:00March 25th, 2013|

Every parent has despaired of their toddler's night waking, no matter where the toddler sleeps and no matter the circumstances surrounding the desperation. Although there is great disagreement regarding whether infants should be able to sleep through the night, the expectation that toddlers Can and Should sleep through the night without wakings parents is generally well accepted.
