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Two B’s and the Big C

If there was a choice that didn't increase the chance of you developing certain types of cancer, would you take it? What if it was your child? What would you do then?

So You’re Going To Bottle Feed…

Bottle-feeding has become a huge part of Western society, but this method of feeding is not what infants biologically expect. However, there are ways to try and mimic the breastfeeding relationship that mothers can use and that's what is focused on herein.

Simple Ways to Calm a Crying Baby

Helping an infant return to sleep easily, then, is an essential gift to give our infants—as well as an important goal for parents who need to rest. The science of nighttime care provides a good foundation for parents trying to calm their babies. It clarifies what is important to know about calming babies and why certain types of calming are most likely to be helpful.

Motherhood and Art: An Interview with Gioia Albano

Art can be transformative in society – we have known this for a long time – it’s just the matter of which art we choose to share. In this vein, I choose to share Gioia Albano and her depictions of motherhood as beautiful, loving, and natural.

Bedsharing and SIDS: The Whole Truth

An overview of the research on the supposed link between increased SIDS risk and co-sleeping. Warning that there doesn't seem to be much to it, but there are some real considerations that need to be taken into account.
