About Tracy Cassels, PhD

Tracy Cassels, PhD is the Director of Evolutionary Parenting, a science-based, attachment-oriented resource for families on a variety of parenting issues. In addition to her online resources, she offers one-on-one support to families around the world and is regularly asked to speak on a variety of issues from sleep to tantrums at conferences and in the media. She lives in Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada with her husband and two children.

Setting Boundaries

2020-10-26T18:07:01-04:00April 26th, 2014|

Setting boundaries is one of the more difficult things we do as parents. Not only because it's hard to say no to those we love, but also because it's complicated to know what constitutes a healthy boundary and what is unhealthy for our kids.

Creating “Bad” Habits?

2020-10-26T18:07:02-04:00April 13th, 2014|

Used to being told you're creating "bad habits" by doing things like nurse your child to sleep or respond to their cries? If so, this post is for you - I won't tell you to change these behaviours, but rather to look at them as they are: biologically normal.
