About Tracy Cassels, PhD

Tracy Cassels, PhD is the Director of Evolutionary Parenting, a science-based, attachment-oriented resource for families on a variety of parenting issues. In addition to her online resources, she offers one-on-one support to families around the world and is regularly asked to speak on a variety of issues from sleep to tantrums at conferences and in the media. She lives in Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada with her husband and two children.

The Breastfeeding Research Battle

2020-10-26T15:12:26-04:00August 2nd, 2013|

Research is always held up to scrutiny, as it should be, but it seems these days that any research finding that shows an "advantage" to breastfed babies faces criticism large and loud, sometimes legitimate, but sometimes making one wonder what the agenda really is. If we look at the breastfeeding research, can we really say there's mass ineptness? Or is there something to it?
