About Tracy Cassels, PhD

Tracy Cassels, PhD is the Director of Evolutionary Parenting, a science-based, attachment-oriented resource for families on a variety of parenting issues. In addition to her online resources, she offers one-on-one support to families around the world and is regularly asked to speak on a variety of issues from sleep to tantrums at conferences and in the media. She lives in Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada with her husband and two children.

ReBirth: Volume 8

2020-10-25T12:40:19-04:00October 15th, 2012|

It's been a while since I shared a reprint of ReBirth and I admit part of that has been that it's something I couldn't look at for a while after losing my mother. I have read each and every volume with her in mind and we've had discussions about some of the pieces she wrote or were written by others.

Let’s Talk Spanking

2020-10-26T17:38:26-04:00October 8th, 2012|

One would think that with the evidence cited by many countries and health professions against the practice, the issue would be moot. But (yes, there’s a ‘but’), much of the older research cited has flaws and thus leaves the door open for those who support the practice to stake their claim.

Apology Not Accepted

2020-10-26T17:38:24-04:00September 27th, 2012|

We should be cognizant of how our actions affect our children. And just because they are sometimes too young or too emotional to tell us exactly how they feel doesn’t mean they don’t feel as awful as my daughter did that day.
