Do C-Sections Impair Maternal Responsiveness?

2020-08-21T10:49:55-04:00February 1st, 2013|

. Herein I’d like to talk about a piece from 2008 that looked at elective c-sections and later maternal responsiveness. Not because I want to cause a stink for those who had a c-section, but because we need to understand the effects of our modern birthing practices on those intimately involved – the mother and the infant.

Cord Blood: To Bank or Not?

2020-11-11T09:15:34-05:00January 3rd, 2013|

With modern technology comes modern interventions and techniques that warrant further discussion. Especially when it comes to birth. Through discussion and research we have come to see the inherent risks and benefits of practices like caesarean sections or the use of drug interventions. Another area that is starting to receive a lot of discussion is cord blood banking.

ReBirth: Volume 8

2020-10-25T12:40:19-04:00October 15th, 2012|

It's been a while since I shared a reprint of ReBirth and I admit part of that has been that it's something I couldn't look at for a while after losing my mother. I have read each and every volume with her in mind and we've had discussions about some of the pieces she wrote or were written by others.

Science and C-Sections: What Do We Know?

2020-10-25T12:39:30-04:00July 30th, 2012|

The problem is that the c-section has been seen as an equal alternative (or sometimes even better alternative) to vaginal birth for people with no medical reason to have a c-section. But there are repercussions to this for both the mother and child and it’s my hope to explore those herein.

We are people, not guinea pigs

2020-10-26T17:31:17-04:00June 4th, 2012|

Like it or not, pregnant women and the children they bear are the guinea pigs of medicine. For us and our children, it is safe until proven otherwise (despite how often that otherwise crops up) and yet our faith in the medical establishment as a whole keeps many people from speaking out.

Re:Birth Volume 7

2020-10-26T17:26:10-04:00February 28th, 2012|

This issue of Re:Birth has articles on the Midwifery Task Force in Ontario in the early 1980s, squatting in labour, episiotomies, rules at the time about fathers being present for c-sections, VBAC support, and birth on TV.
