Your Child Will Never…
I have been told by many about all the things my daughter will supposedly never do. From family, friends, and complete strangers. Everyone has an opinion and rarely is it positive.
I have been told by many about all the things my daughter will supposedly never do. From family, friends, and complete strangers. Everyone has an opinion and rarely is it positive.
Independence. In many Westernized societies it is the end goal of our parenting efforts. We want our children to be independent. But what does that mean?
Why I go crazy when I hear people say they are engaging in specific parenting practices in order to teach their baby/toddler/child about the real world.
Recently I came across a blog piece by Chaley-Ann Scott claiming that Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) was debunked. And that is wrong. Here I want to talk about a few of the things that are specific to the blog piece in question, but also some issues that come up around diagnoses more generally.
My experiences led to my husband and I discussing things we’ve heard either while out as parents or as kids and I thought I’d share them here with my own take as to why they are not things I plan on ever saying to my daughter and why I hope you won’t either.
We should be cognizant of how our actions affect our children. And just because they are sometimes too young or too emotional to tell us exactly how they feel doesn’t mean they don’t feel as awful as my daughter did that day.
If you're going to call out your child for doing what we do all the time, shouldn't we also call ourselves out?
A continuation of the discussion about how permissive parenting is NOT attachment parenting. In turn, our attached children will not be sitting in our basement at 30 with no job and no goals.
I do evolutionary parenting. Apparently that means my daughter will be a horrid brat no one wants to be around. But is that really the case? Am I screwing my daughter for life?
In this part, we’re going to look at the last piece of pertinent information—viewing the difficult infant as a ‘plastic’ infant—and then finishing with a look at what we can do going forward.