There’s something in the water. Or so it seems because lately it’s as if promoting crying-it-out is a new mandate for the media. It started months ago with the research from Australia claiming that CIO had no long-term effects. Except the research has been torn to shreds as being anything but a bunch of crap (see here and here). Then we had the media pick up on a piece from Weinraub and colleagues looking at natural night waking patterns in children and deciding that they were supporting CIO. Except they weren’t and nothing in the actual piece suggested they did (see here). Then yesterday I had the displeasure of reading this piece by a mother who is so glib about her CIO experience and so focused on her own experiences without a second thought to her child, it made me feel physically ill. And today I awoke to this gem of a piece in The Independent about a “baby expert” who is all for CIO.
It’s this last one I plan to discuss herein. Because this baby “expert” – Rachel Waddilove – has written a book which is now out and what does she focus on? Yep, sleep. Let’s see about some of the things she’s said in this interview and why this woman needs to be added to the list of who not to listen to.
“Any well child can sleep through the night from a young age”
Really? Because the evidence on child sleep suggests that when left to their own devices, that’s not actually the case. The Weinraub study mentioned earlier found that over a third of babies were waking regularly at 18 months
But I will concede that if you shut your child in a room and leave them to scream their heads off, eventually they’ll sleep from sheer exhaustion. Of course, you’ve also now made it clear you won’t respond to your child and have ignored their psychological well-being, something I would hope you value. Add to that that it is abnormal for adults to sleep through the night, why do we feel this is something that is normal for children?[5] And finally, are you sure your child is sleeping the whole time or just simply no longer calling out or signaling to you? Given that humans are expected to wake at night, it seems that we may want to consider this waking state “normal” against which all else is compared.
“There is also nothing wrong with leaving a child to settle themselves so long as they are safe and not in pain.”
In short, your biggest mistake is to treat pain as only a physical manifestation. Our psychological needs, especially our children, are equally important as they shape how we approach the world. A child who is not responded to when upset will not develop the healthy attachment needed to thrive in this world. Are children resilient? Yes, but it doesn’t mean we don’t do harm. Doctors take an oath to do no harm, shouldn’t parents do the same? And we’re not talking a moment of minor fussing as a child drifts off. We’re speaking of screams for 10-20 minutes and beyond. That’s not responsiveness.
Oh, and the Independent cites the Weinraub study here as supporting this CIO philosophy, but as you know, that’s not at all what was suggested in the article.
“Raising a child requires a lot of love and a strong will, but a lot of parents seem to have lost sight of the basics.”
I will agree with the statement here. Of course, my view of the basics is love and responsiveness. We are talking about babies and baby sleep right? So I’m not sure where a “strong will” is necessary. But of course, if you’re treating your child as you wish to be treated, regardless of your child’s age, then you shouldn’t need too strong a will. When we speak of needing strong will, we often speak of it as going up against something. In parenting, shouldn’t we be working with our children? Yes, we set limits but when we’re conscious of how these limits help them, it doesn’t take strong will to stand up for them. It requires love.
Much of the official advice doled out to new parents these days, she adds, is “nonsense”. Among her pet peeves are the World Health Organisation’s guidelines not to wean a child before six to eight months, and the widespread advocacy of baby-led weaning – letting a baby pick their own food from a plate, rather than spoon-feeding them purée. “It’s nonsense – babies need to develop in a certain way. These ideas came from scientists who do experiments but know nothing about babies. They’ll revert back to past guidelines soon enough, I’m sure of it.”
I actually wouldn’t be surprised if they did, given the culture we live in, but that’s a topic for another day.
Let’s take this apart piece by piece. Is the advice doled out to new parents “nonsense”? Yep, if we’re talking about CIO and that formula is equal to breast milk, for example. And that is actually the advice doled out these days, more so than anything else.
Baby-led weaning? This will be my first, but not last, mention of human evolution and history. Letting babies pick their own food is how the vast majority of infants and children first eat food. Parents may use mastication to make it easier for the infant to eat, but purees? That’s a modern invention that is not necessary (although some families love it and great for them, but it’s not necessary).
Now the comment “babies need to develop in a certain way”. Need to? Well, they do develop in a certain way. And certain types of parenting practices respect this and others don’t. But the use of “need” suggests we’re to impose something on their development, but outside of love, support and responsiveness, I don’t see what that is. Unless you’re trying to mould your child into something that love, care, and, when older, boundaries can’t provide, but that’s kinda scary in and of itself.
As for those scientists who know nothing about babies, you realize most of them have kids right? And that the purpose of science is to deconstruct what we think we know to determine if our “common sense” is correct or not, right? Because people thought the sun went around the earth and that Copernicus was insane to think it might possibly be the other way around. Luckily we had science. I would argue that yes, there is research that is ridiculous and ill-informed. And research that is well thought-out and executed. But science is imperfect. As are you. Notably, we don’t even need science here because we have history, which tells us a very different story than you are trying to paint (and I mean a full history, not just a look at the past couple generations, because they’ve turned out oh-so-well).
Don’t even get her started on attachment parenting, which in its most basic form is when a child sleeps in their parents’ bed and is strapped to their mother in a sling. “It’s not fair on the child. The idea is that a child chooses when to ‘detach’ from its parents, but if it’s always been attached, the child doesn’t know anything different and the detachment process can be very traumatic,” she says.
[First let me say what an atrocious depiction of attachment parenting. Ugh. The focus of attachment parenting, as I’ve outlined here, isn’t about the individual practices that are more common, but about responsiveness. But returning to our main points…]So you do care about psychological trauma? Interesting given your lack of care for it with respect to CIO. However, here’s where your dreaded science and history would counter you. Children who are securely attached (which includes those who bedshare and who are worn in slings, when it works for the family, but it isn’t necessary to the attachment process) tend to be more independent than their counterparts[6]. Of course, it really comes down to responsiveness and while certain parenting principles help in the attachment process by making responsiveness easier, when you respond to your child, they are attached. When they are securely attached, they will become independent (as well as retaining inter-dependence which is also key).
Furthermore, historically this is the type of parenting that has been employed by families, and we thrived in that time. If you look at how advanced we have become in such a short evolutionary time, you should see that this type of parenting – you know, where you have a secure attachment to your child by being responsive – helps us thrive both at the individual and societal level. This bizarre notion that children will suffer for choosing when to detach is beyond me because becoming independent does not happen overnight and we have a biological imperative to be somewhat independent (though as social creatures, it is hardly to the degree that we typically see in Western societies). When children take these steps on their own, they are following that biological imperative and are developmentally ready for the fear and anxiety that go with being independent. They have the capacity to handle it appropriately.
What is traumatic is having separation forced on you when you aren’t prepared for it or even developmentally ready for it. Let me ask you, you have always been breathing your whole life, right? It is all you know. Which would be more traumatic? Someone coming up without warning and covering your airway for a period (though letting you live, of course) or choosing to hold your breath for the same period on your own? I thought so.
Waddilove, 65, is once again speaking up for “old-fashioned, common-sense parenting”.
Old-fashioned in a modern context, perhaps, but not really old-fashioned because if you got to old-fashioned, common-sense parenting for most of human history, you’re talking evolutionary or attachment parenting[7].
“Today, being a parent is filled with pressure. Babies and children have become a lot more precious. I’m a real believer in lots of love and care and cherishing and nurturing your children… but I see children being made kingpin. Then you find by the time they are five they are abominable.”
Okay, but what does this have to do with letting your child scream alone at night or responding to their cries? And this is called permissive parenting which has little to do with even being loving and caring as opposed to parents who either lack the confidence to do what parenting requires and throw up their hands to let anything go or lack the interest.
“I’m a bit old-fashioned. I think there shouldn’t be the pressure on women to go back to work… There are many, many women who would love to be at home more and really be home makers because that’s what we’re made for… Women, basically, we’re carers; men are providers.”
I should note that this comes up as one of the reasons we have “abominable” children by age five. So while I do agree that there shouldn’t be pressure on women to go back to work (hello, paid parental leave), I also know that some women want to go back to work. And that when they do, their children don’t automatically become abominable little creatures who are out of control and it is highly insulting to suggest that is the cause.
And finally… “Parents find it difficult imposing discipline. People have lost where and what the boundaries are – ‘Is this behaviour acceptable or not?’ And if it’s not acceptable, deal with it.”
This is fine and dandy when we’re talking about older children and natural consequences. No one argues that you should become permissive parents. In fact, one of the biggest misconceptions about attachment parenting is that it is permissive parenting, which is not true (see here). However, it is equally wrong to attribute this type of “acceptability” to behaviours outside the child’s control, and this is what is happening with sleep training or scheduled feeds; the children are being told their natural, instinctual, biological behaviour is “unacceptable”. What kind of message does that send? How do we expect a child to grow and trust him or herself when the message received from an early age is that everything you feel is wrong?
This is a woman who is preaching that we need to return to the days of when doctors recommended infants not be touched too much and that they be fed on schedule. She can say she believes in love all she wants, but her advice is contrary to that. When you tell parents to ignore their instincts because their baby’s behaviour is “unacceptable”, we have a problem. Let us remember that her notion of “old-fashioned” and “common-sense” is as ethnocentric as they come; it ignores a wealth of history and cross-cultural differences in what constitutes parenting.
Whatever one woman’s experience, she is no expert on your child. You are. When you feel the pain of not responding when you know your child is truly in distress, that is your instinct as mother telling you something is wrong. Crying-it-out is not responsive. It is, however, something our society has told people is acceptable and even laudable. We must counter this and make parents aware that their instincts and their child are what they need to listen tom and we must provide support and education to help them in times of need. Leaving your child to scream is the easiest answer in some ways, but it is not the answer that keeps us whole.
To understand more about normal, human infant sleep, please see here. Often simply understanding infant sleep can help a parent who is having a hard time. If that alone does not help, here is information on routines, the best way to assist a child gently to sleep for longer periods when they are developmentally ready (and yes, it is found to be more effective than CIO). For other ideas on how to soothe an upset baby, see here.
[1] Weinraub M, Bender RH, Friedman SL, Susman EJ, Knoke B, Bradley R, Houts R, Williams J. Patterns of developmental change in infants’ nighttime sleep awakenings from 6 through 36 months of age. Developmental Psychology 2012; 48: 1511-1528.
[2] de Weerth C, Zijl RH, Buitelaar JK. Development of cortisol circadian rhythm in infancy. Early Human Development 2003; 7: 39-52.
[3] Middlemiss W. Infant sleep: a review of normative and problematic sleep and interventions. Early Child Development and Care 2004; 174: 99-122.
[4] McKenna JJ, Thoman EB, Anders TF, Sadeh A, Schechtman VE, Glotzbach GT. Infant-parent co-sleeping in an evolutionary perspective: Implications for understanding infant sleep development and the sudden infant death syndrome. Sleep 1993; 16: 263-282.
[5] Erkich R. At Day’s Close: Night in Times Past. New York, NY (2005): Norton.
[6] Keller MA, Goldberg WA. Co-sleeping: help or hindrance for young children’s independence? Infant and Child Development 2004; 13: 369-388.
[7] Bowlby J. Attachment and Loss, Vol 1: Attachment. New York (1969): Basic Books.
*round of applause* As a babywearing educator and advocate for natural/attachment parenting (and a mother of an ASD 5yo who I attribute his social skills to the sheer fact of our 'style' of parenting) I just cannot believe that 'experts' are still feeding lies to the masses. What makes them an expert anyway? Really? They just give themselves a name and run with it! I love this article so much.
Thank you! And I know – who does appoint them except themselves? Sadly they can do that and people will dish over tons of money to support them 🙁
ps – the links aren't working.
Sadly I know, though they work on Internet Explorer, just not Safari or Firefox. We think it was the WordPress upgrade or the theme upgrade 🙁 We’re trying to figure it out!!!
Great article. Links aren't working but once they are sorted it will be perfect. Great to see someone backing up attachment responsive parenting with studies unlike the CIO childcare "experts" who seem to base their theories on sweet fa.
Crying it out theory very interesting. Babies do not cry because tgeychave settled themselves, they cry cos they have accepted no one is coming. Parts of the brain are unable to develop also if they are left to cry over substantial periods of time. I am reading a lot about this as part of my training. Very scary what is recommended. Isn't that Rachel Waddilove friends to the stars, think I was reading about her a few weeks back 🙂 xx
Now I know this may be a little old fashioned but I was of the understanding that if a baby cries it is because they need/want something whether that is food, nappy changing or just a hug. What is wrong with going with all your maternal instincts and picking the child up and solving the problem. You're left with a much more settled and happy baby and you yourself are less stressed as a result! You don't "spoil" a baby by loving them!
Very good post! Interesting and very informative! I agree that only mothers know best when it comes to taking care of their child. When you hear your infant cry, there is something wrong in there and you just can’t simply ignore it because people say that it is an “unacceptable” behavior–it’s just wrong. Don’t be worried about what you hear or what people say. Go and find out what’s wrong. Your baby needs you and there’s nothing more comforting than being around a mother’s arms. 🙂
She thinks it is nonsense that we shouldn't wean before 6 to 8 months? So she thinks formula is the way to go? Sigh, the poor parents who are desperate for help and see THIS and then CIO and do all these things…makes me VERY SAD.
I let all my kids cry it out but the minute they woke up in the morning whether it be 5am or 6, I was right beside them enforcing that if they slept at night, I would be right there in the morning.
This ! Regardless of how you think, “normal” behavior is a healthy 8 hours of sleep (roughly). Just as any mammal, you have to reinforce that you will be there once they awake in the morning! You can sacrifice your happiness and sanity for your infant, but in the long run, they will learn that night = sleep, sunrise = playtime!
If you mean statistically “normal” then you’re sort of right in that we expect ADULT people to sleep 8 hours a night but here’s what’s wrong with your statement.
1. Children younger than grade-school age and teenagers actually need MORE than eight hours.
2. Elderly people need LESS than eight hours, typically.
3. ALL human beings with a properly working circadian rhythm wake naturally during the night, and in many cultures this was accompanied by rising from bed and participating in nighttime activities such as socializing or reading or whatever.
So much for “normal.” “Normal” in this case, if you mean adhering to norms or being average, is WRONG.
BTW, on my firefox SOME links work and some don't. No idea why!
It’s all fixed – it was a plugin we had for FB comments!
I am so grateful that there are people like you who are passionate about these issues and write about them. I also love how thorough you are and all your links to good research and articles etc. Personally, I am passionate about these parenting issues but not so much the research part. I know what is right and good for our family so that spark to read constantly about these things has dimmed considerably. And I especially don’t want to read the negative articles that are promoting disconnection between parents and children! So I thank you for all of your work. I shared this piece on my FB page.
Here are a couple of pieces I wrote last year about my feelings and experiences about cry-it-out and our culture:
Some comments won’t make sense because people commented using a FB plugin that has now been deactivated because it blocked the links from working. SO… links working, comments gone, me looking like I’m crazy with my random responses to no one. Job done.
Thank you for this. It’s very informative and evidence based with just a hint of “back off my parenting style it’s working great for my family” attitude. I’m currently reading again to remember some things to say next time I get a few of these comments.
In terms of 5 year olds being abominable… most of them are (at times). It is developmentally age appropriate. Just had to write that. Reading this is ticking me off! BUT I’m really glad I found your blog.
I’m glad I haven’t ticked you off to the point of you walking away 🙂 But yes, it’s infuriating, isn’t it?
In regards to this: “Parents find it difficult imposing discipline. People have lost where and what the boundaries are – ‘Is this behaviour acceptable or not?’ And if it’s not acceptable, deal with it.”
That is a load of horsesh** if you ask me. If anything, in our culture our discipline practices are not intuitive and subsequently all over the board according to the latest fad. Also, we do not take into consideration that at certain ages most “normal,” healthy children can be, well, jerks. Sorta (don’t get mad at me for saying that) I guess I mean to say difficult. Tantrums at the grocery store, screaming bloody murder at restaurants, throwing things, hitting things, breaking things, saying “no,” refusing to listen. When you read all of these things, you think, that sounds like a “spoiled brat”- but depending on age, these are all age-appropriate behaviors.
I love this post, well I love most of your posts anyways. This particularly because I find trying to help people to understand CIO is not teaching the child to self soothe, or teaching them anything but fear of abandonment & loneliness. Great read IMO!
Thank you 🙂
[…] […]
I am wary of extreme positions either way and find them very disconcerting. The idea that you let your baby/toddler CIO every time to get sleep is sadistic. Equally pathetic is the idea that every time your child cries you leap to attention and respond. Both approaches will result in unwell children. Especially at a young age, babies need parents to respond, but after 3-6 months they should start to be self-settling. This doesn’t happen by accident – it requires parents to do their job and parent. Kids love boundaries – it gives them certainty and safety in life.
The idea that after 3-6 months they should start to self-settle is patently false. Many kids will at that stage and many won’t. Children rouse until 3 years of age regularly. Additionally, self-settling doesn’t happen by accident, but it also doesn’t happen by forcing children to do it. In fact, it hinders the process of emotion regulation. The way children learn emotion regulation is by having it modeled by parents to them. You can read the piece on here about Self-Soothing to learn more about the research on emotion regulation.
Additionally, jumping to attention to respond does involve waiting a moment to see if your child settles, but only a moment or so. If a child isn’t settling within a minute (which can seem very long), then you should be responding. And as they age, how you respond will differ.
Babies don’t even start making melatonin to help them fall asleep alone until around 3 months, and the amount they make doesn’t fully regulate sleep until age 3 or so. Up until then, no matter how tired they are, they may need help unwinding so that they can actually fall asleep. There are lots of ways to help a toddler fall asleep (and then fall asleep again when they wake during the night) but frequently breastfeeding over the course of the night actually helps the baby sleep longer and better because their bodies don’t make enough of that hormone to do it on their own, but the mother’s body makes it in spades.
If a baby is “self-settling” the research suggests that it’s actually just that they’ve given up asking for a parent to come because they have learned that the only tool they have for asking is met with no response. Why keep trying if you have learned that your efforts are only met with failure?
I allowed my older two children to CIO to sleep as babies, and I have seen evidence of this attitude now with their efforts in life.It’s taking much more work now to show them that anything they want is possible and to get them to believe that I love them and want them in my life, that they aren’t a bother to me. I wish I hadn’t done it because it definitely contributed to their approach to life. 🙁 Now that I know better, I am doing things differently with the younger two. It’s harder now, but it will be well worth it later.
What a great, great post, Tracy! As usual!
I believe in the day popular practice will ban CIO, but in the meantime, we gotta be strong.
Do I have permission to translate this text, giving you full credit? It’s for my blog which is about attachment parenting, in Portuguese.
Keep doing this awesome work, you can be sure you are benefitting lots of families!
Absolutely! Just please give me the link so I can share as well 🙂
Yaaaay 🙂
Tracy, I am perplexed about the issue of CIO. I have a 13 month old. Up till the last month or so, I get up with him in the middle of the night on the occasional time he wakes up, and stay up with him for up to 2-3 hours, as he usually takes it to be snack/play time. I weaned him around 12 months, and just went back to work two weeks ago. I am now feeling unsure about the best course of action when he wakes up at 1am. My course for the last few weeks has been to go in, assess how he is (diaper change, etc.) cuddle for a few minutes, then put him down and walk out. He was not happy and cried for an hour! I was urged by a girlfriend to try CIO. Now that I am back to work, being up for hours in the wee hours while he refuses to sleep is hard. My question is, I don’t mind cuddling with him a few minutes when he wakes up, but how long am I supposed to stay up with him? Loosing 2-3 hours of sleep once a week is not healthy for me, and I now have to function at work. I want to do the right thing, and felt terrible during his crying marathon a week or so ago. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks!
That’s actually a very normal stage (unpleasant as it is). Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit well with work does it? I would not promote CIO, but I would check out some of the resources on this post that may help you transition him back to one fuller sleep instead of two sleeps:
Good luck!!
I just got attacked by a whole table of friends when I was discussing buying a king bed so that I could co-sleep. They all ganged up on me to tell me why I was wrong and stupid for this idea. People can be so opinionated.
Mainstream parenting practices are drilled into our society. Parents are told by baby experts and the government that anything besides what they recommend is equivalent to murder (well not quite murder- but its sacrosanct!)
My 5-month-old daughter had a well visit a few weeks ago, and the handout said that it was okay to let her cry herself to sleep. It made me so sad to think of parents who weren’t sure what to do yet receiving such ill-informed advice from a medical provider. And when it’s written, it seems so much more official, less in need of question.
My 3-year-old daughter still doesn’t sleep through. Only a handful of times in her life. We’re still holding on, hoping, waiting.
I am very happy I found your blog. I find great reassurance in reading these things that my husband and I were and are instinctively applying with our 2,5 years old boy. Sometimes is good to know that we are not crazy by going against the otherwise well intentioned “advices” from relatives and friends (or simple strangers in the park).
We were lucky to have a lady pediatrician (mother of a 4 years old) who basically encouraged us to apply all the natural methods.
I breastfed him till he was almost 2 (then I got pregnant, so it became difficult for me), never gave him any antibiotics, just simple cold pills or syrups, keep him out for 3-4-5 hours a day (even in a middle of a blizzard, which he absolutely loved) etc etc. And God forbid the CIO (which I just found out about) – it seems downright cruel. The baby still sleeps with us in the bed and he is as happy as he can be.
Again, thank you very much, keep it up, I follow you every day
Best regards
The article you attached about the mother’s CIO experience is absolutely disgusting. I cannot believe she can be so blasé about letting her child cry like that!!!
I find it curious that anyone thinks a child would be traumatized for having to choose when to detach (I guess they mean physically?) from their parents when, in my experience and as I remember from my own childhood, a kid being able to make their own choices is a MOMENTOUS occasion about which the child is inordinately proud because they were able to think for themselves and make a decision.
But maybe I’m misremembering.
“And that the purpose of science is to deconstruct what we think we know to determine if our “common sense” is correct or not, right? Because people thought the earth went around the sun and that Copernicus was insane to think it might possibly be the other way around. ”
Uh, I think Copernicus did think the Earth went around the Sun and the rest of the world did not. So do I. While I agree with what you wrote to this point, had to stop here because of such a fundamental logic error.
LOL – Thank you – hilarious that I did that. What I get for writing late at night 🙂
It does take a strong will! A strong will to stand up for your child when mainstream parenting tells you they are spoiled or too dependant. A strong will to keep attending to the child’s needs even when you’re tired and you are just wishing for a sleep yourself. And a strong will to keep reading and evaluating your parenting even though it would be easier to be sure.