Join the Evolutionary Parenting newsletter!
I know we are in an era where we end up with far too much junk in our mailbox, so why would I suggest you join yet another means of getting more to look at or just more to delete? If you do enjoy the content on Evolutionary Parenting, the Newsletter does offer its perks. All content you see on the site now starts in the newsletter and then either will make it here… or not. Some content is exclusive to the newsletter, but even the content that isn’t may take weeks or months to make it to the website. This means that those who get the newsletter get the analyses and write ups and parenting tips before anyone who just comes to the website.
In addition, if you are interested in courses or workshops or new offerings, I will share those on the newsletter first. I have had times when courses have sold out before being offered on the website because of the interest through the newsletter.
If this all sounds good to you, just add your email below and you will receive your first email to confirm and then you’ll be on your way to getting the information and any deals as soon as they are available.