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We are people, not guinea pigs

Like it or not, pregnant women and the children they bear are the guinea pigs of medicine. For us and our children, it is safe until proven otherwise (despite how often that otherwise crops up) and yet our faith in the medical establishment as a whole keeps many people from speaking out.

Drinking and Pregnancy: Is One Too Much?

I remember the looks. Sitting down to dinner with my husband at around 7 months pregnant and ordering a glass of wine. No one says anything, but they take that extra second to take it all in, contemplate saying something, and then walk away. But their eyes say it all.

Fighting for Homebirth

What are the problems with homebirth according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists? The primary argument for years is that it’s somehow unsafe and that there hasn’t been enough research on it. They say homebirth is unsafe and ignore the evidence that suggests otherwise.

Dear Dr. Christian

One Dr. Christian of Closer Magazine claims not only no benefits to breastfeeding beyond six months, but that full-term breastfeeding can cause harm. I beg to differ.

Educating the Experts – Lesson One: Crying

You call yourselves “baby whisperers” and “experts” on how to get babies to sleep and though you write books telling parents exactly how to care for their children, it seems as though you all require a bit of a brush up on your education.

Press Release Re: Carpenter et al. Bedsharing Study

We were luckily able to view a copy of the article in advance and the group of researchers I have worked with on other posts and I wrote a response. This is it. It has been shared as a press release generally and given specifically to the BBC (the study is a UK one). We shall see how the media responds in the days to come, but it's nice to know that at least we're not one step behind this time!

Is Daycare Really a SIDS Risk?

Although not widely discussed, some articles and people highlight a relationship between SIDS and starting daycare. This can be terrifying for many families, but we need to look at what we know to know how to respond.

Thirty Billion Dollars and Counting

When we say that breastfeeding in developed nations isn't really a big deal because we have clean water and low rates of disease, are we really thinking this through? What are we willing to accept both in these costs and in what women are trying to achieve but missing out on?
