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The Benefits of Baby Wearing

One of the simplest yet most effective aspects of Evolutionary Parenting is baby wearing. I’m also pleased to say it’s one of the ones making a rather large comeback after years of a stroller monopoly.

To Drug or Not to Drug? The Epidural Debate

My view in a nutshell: The development of the epidural was a great scientific discovery that has the power to help women who NEED it in labor. It has its place in the world of childbearing, but it has also been VASTLY overused and many of those who opt for it have no idea what it is that they’re choosing to do.

Being Vegan, Breastfeeding, and Infant Safety

The way most outlets had it, the vegan couple were exclusively breastfeeding their 11-month-old daughter when she fell ill and died. The conclusion? Being vegan isn’t safe if you’re breastfeeding. But there is more to this story and an examination of the myths surrounding this case is clearly needed.

Sleep: A Misguided and Unhealthy Obsession

We have a real obsession in Western nations, and I’m not sure it’s a healthy one. We are completely, totally, obsessed with sleep. And not in the “I love sleep” kind of way, but in a much more insidious way.

Attachment versus Attachment Parenting

I’ve had this piece on my mind for quite some time to cover, but it seems the craziness that has erupted over the past week has been my impetus to actually talk about attachment theory versus ‘Attachment Parenting’.
