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Why the Conflicting Results on Bedsharing Risk?

It seems that messages on bedsharing differ depending on where you are. If everyone is looking at the same evidence, why are they coming to different conclusions? A look at the research suggests not everyone is looking at it the same way...

Thirty Billion Dollars and Counting

When we say that breastfeeding in developed nations isn't really a big deal because we have clean water and low rates of disease, are we really thinking this through? What are we willing to accept both in these costs and in what women are trying to achieve but missing out on?

Routines vs. Schedules

Oftentimes parents confuse routines and schedules and aren’t quite sure what is best for babe, despite there being a rather striking difference between them. So let’s review them both to see which is more biologically normal for your child…

The Vitamin K Shot

There has been speculation amongst some people that the Vitamin K shot is unnecessary and simply one of those painful procedures that is done without really considering the need. So I thought I’d do some research and share with you what I could find on the shot to help you make your educated decision.

Understanding and Helping Toddler Sleep (Part I)

Every parent has despaired of their toddler's night waking, no matter where the toddler sleeps and no matter the circumstances surrounding the desperation. Although there is great disagreement regarding whether infants should be able to sleep through the night, the expectation that toddlers Can and Should sleep through the night without wakings parents is generally well accepted.

Slate Gets on the Cry-it-Out Bandwagon

The entire tagline reads “A journal jumps on the Dr. Sears bandwagon to say sleep training is dangerous. Science says otherwise.” Let’s first get something clear – journals publish special issues all the time and journals publish research and opinion pieces and reviews from researchers who work in the relevant fields.
