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Five Reasons to Wear Your Baby

Though some might argue that there’s no difference, or that our modern inventions are more convenient, I would like to argue that there are actually good reasons to wear your baby. So here I present what I believe to be are five of the best reasons to wear your baby…

The Language of Breastfeeding

How we speak about breastfeeding and other parenting issues is incredibly important. We have to be aware of the language we use and what it means. But does it mean that we can never use the terms that anger us so?

Does Your Child Need a Regular Bedtime?

Recently, news reports are making the rounds suggesting that the lack of a set bedtime in children 3 to 7 is associated with greater behavioural problems. Parents are getting panicked if their child doesn’t go to sleep at the exact same time every night... but should they?

Re:Birth Volume 5

I want to highlight the primary article in this current volume though as it is the summary of a case in Ontario that paved the way for the legalization and licensing of midwifery in Ontario.

To Lose A Mother

This was officially the weirdest welcome I’d ever had coming back to Toronto. And then my dad opened his mouth, and for everything, I wish I could go back and make that never happen.
