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Weaning From An Anxiety Perspective

Weaning is often an anxiety-provoking event for children and thus my approach to weaning involves strong consideration of this anxiety and how to work with kids to reduce it when weaning is necessary.

Homebirth Risks in the News Again

All over the news a few weeks ago (I’ve been busy) was news that homebirths increased the risk of an Apgar score of 0 10-fold. Doctors were out in force saying this is why homebirth should not be allowed (really via not allowing midwives to practice homebirth) or ethically promoted. But what does the research really tell us?

Where Would You Be Safest Giving Birth? Hint: Not the USA

Where would you rather give birth - in the USA or Albania? Most of you would probably say the USA yet your chances of survival would then be lower. Yes, you as a mother are more likely to die from childbirth-related problems in the USA than Albania. Does that surprise you?
