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A Comment on Anti-Bedsharing Campaigns

I feel like it’s time to not just point out what many of us having pointed out over and over – namely that education is key – but to truly examine why these places are feeling the need to take this route and what’s wrong with their approach (beyond the obvious).

Guest Post: A Monster or a Monstrous Act?

It's horribly important to talk to your kids in an age appropriate manner, about bad touches and bad secrets, but that's not enough. My parents did that, and did it very well... Most victims don't tell because they are afraid, afraid of the consequences of telling.

The Big, Bad Lactivist

There is a myth out there that most people who support breastfeeding are bad, bad people out to shame you. Here I examine this in a bit more detail with women's stories and experiences as a backdrop.

Science Misunderstandings Understood

When you write about science articles, there are bound to be some things that people just don’t get. The thing is, it’s hugely important that we do understand what science is saying if we’re going to use it to help people understand the potential outcomes of their parenting choices.

Homebirth, the Dutch Study, and Maternal Mortality

Recently, data from the Netherlands have shown homebirth to be as safe or safer than hospital birth. However, a response to the article has suggested that the findings are misleading because of the maternal mortality factor. Let's take a look at that...
