Why Birth Trauma Matters by Emma Svanberg

From Tracy:

This entire series – all listed here – from Pinter & Martin (UK publishers) is an excellent source of information on all things parenting. They have found experts in each area and have written small guides (typically around 150 pages) for parents on all types of topics.


From Amazon:

When we think about trauma and PTSD we tend to think about war and conflict. But around a third of women feel some part of their birth was traumatic. This experience can impact on their mental and physical health, their relationships and future plans.
In Why Birth Trauma Matters, Dr Emma Svanberg, clinical psychologist and co-founder of Make Birth Better, explores what happens to those who go through a bad birth. She explains in detail how birth trauma occurs, examines the wide-ranging impact on all of those involved in birth, and looks at treatments and techniques to aid recovery. By drawing on her own research and the work of experts in the field, and sharing the first-hand experiences of women, she shows how it is possible to begin to move on.

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