Circumcision, Science, and Religion: Part 1

2020-11-01T15:05:51-05:00March 13th, 2012|

One of the touchier subjects in natural parenting circles is the issue of male circumcision. It can cause two individuals who agree on every other aspect of parenting to cease speaking or supporting one another. It raises ire amongst those adamant that it’s akin to abuse and defensiveness amongst those who practice the rite for religious purposes.

Abuse and Parenting

2020-10-28T11:07:39-04:00February 23rd, 2012|

What you’ll read herein is not meant to be a condemnation of any parent who utilizes some of these methods, but rather an examination of certain parenting characteristics that are rather new to society (evolutionarily speaking) that have been empirically associated with a heightened risk of child maltreatment.
