Guest Post: Living with a Reflux Baby

2020-10-26T17:33:19-04:00July 23rd, 2013|

You know what it's like to have a baby that spits up. But what about when that "spitting up" becomes something much more severe? Too many people have false perceptions about reflux and hopefully this story can help others understand what it means to have a baby with reflux.

Why “Delayed” Cord Clamping Should Be the Norm

2020-10-26T17:44:53-04:00July 3rd, 2013|

In today’s modern birthing picture, you finish birthing your baby and the doctor immediately clamps the cord and you wait to expel the placenta before cutting. However, this isn’t actually the norm around the world (though notably there is variability worldwide in clamping practices). Often, mothers engage in what is, in our culture, called “delayed cord clamping” and there’s reason to believe we ought to be changing our norms as well…

Five Reasons to Wear Your Baby

2020-10-28T11:43:41-04:00March 7th, 2013|

Though some might argue that there’s no difference, or that our modern inventions are more convenient, I would like to argue that there are actually good reasons to wear your baby. So here I present what I believe to be are five of the best reasons to wear your baby…

The Importance of Partner Support

2020-10-26T17:39:16-04:00February 18th, 2013|

Our society has changed and we are now expected to parent alone. And yet that is not how we evolved to parent and the lack of support that families, and in particular, moms have is hurting everyone. It's not just financial, but practically and emotionally as well.

Do C-Sections Impair Maternal Responsiveness?

2020-08-21T10:49:55-04:00February 1st, 2013|

. Herein I’d like to talk about a piece from 2008 that looked at elective c-sections and later maternal responsiveness. Not because I want to cause a stink for those who had a c-section, but because we need to understand the effects of our modern birthing practices on those intimately involved – the mother and the infant.
