Do you feel like the gentle discipline that you read so much on just isn’t working for your child?

Do you worry that you’re failing to socialize your child and that “more” needs to be done?

This is a common problem for many families that choose a gentler path with their kids.  It’s not that what you’re doing is “wrong” and I never want any parent to feel that being gentle is a bad thing, yet some people do.

The issue is that there are often small mistakes we make when we go a gentler route simply because it’s not familiar to us and isn’t part of our shared cultural knowledge.  These mistakes can mean that we face struggles we’re unprepared for.  In this guide, I cover the five most common mistakes I see when working with families and I hope that they can help you make small changes that can have a larger impact in how you discipline and in turn, your relationship with your child.

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