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Bedsharing With a Premature Baby

It is a common refrain that parents of premature infants should never bedshare. Yet this is not always actively followed given the difficulties of caring for a premature baby who requires regular skin-to-skin contact. This article reviews the research surrounding this with some areas for discussion moving forward.

Is Bedsharing For You?

Bedsharing is a wonderful thing when it works for a family, but it doesn't work for all families. Here is a brief review of some questions to ask yourself if you're considering bedsharing to find out if it's right for you or not.

Bedsharing in Australia: Scare Mongering versus Reality

Many Australians woke this morning to scare mongering about bedsharing thanks to articles in their papers. Notably, claims that 25 babies died in the parent bed last year are leading to people declaring bedsharing should be illegal and even some people are being investigated for it (I kid you not).

SUID, SIDS, and Poverty: Leaving Bedsharing Out of the Debate

Of late, bedsharing has been the central focus of governmental attempts to reduce the rates of SUID or SIDS in many Western cultures. Drs. Bartick and Tomori change the landscape by taking a syndemic approach to looking at these issues and find bedsharing is not the culprit it has been believed to be.

A Comment on Anti-Bedsharing Campaigns

I feel like it’s time to not just point out what many of us having pointed out over and over – namely that education is key – but to truly examine why these places are feeling the need to take this route and what’s wrong with their approach (beyond the obvious).
