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Making Your Bed Safe for Babies

Many families will end up bedsharing at some point without having properly prepared for it. Whatever your plans are, take a moment to review your bed and your situation to ensure that bedsharing is as safe as possible if or when it comes to it.

Simple Ways to Calm a Crying Baby

Helping an infant return to sleep easily, then, is an essential gift to give our infants—as well as an important goal for parents who need to rest. The science of nighttime care provides a good foundation for parents trying to calm their babies. It clarifies what is important to know about calming babies and why certain types of calming are most likely to be helpful.

What is Normal Infant Sleep? (Part III)

Part 3 in the series of Normal, Infant Human sleep. While many parents worry that their infant or toddler or child's behaviour is abnormal, we hope to make it clear that many of these behaviours are normal. Despite a society that does not accept them.
