Why Breastfeeding Grief and Trauma Matter by Amy Brown

From Tracy:

This entire series – all listed here – from Pinter & Martin (UK publishers) is an excellent source of information on all things parenting.  They have found experts in each area and have written small guides (typically around 150 pages) for parents on all types of topics.


From Amazon:

A startlingly large number of women who want to breastfeed have to stop before they are ready, leaving them feeling a range of negative emotions, including grief, anger, guilt, shame and frustration, and often blaming themselves. But in a society that places little value on breastfeeding and mothers’ feelings, their painful stories are often swept under the carpet to the detriment of women’s mental health and experience of new motherhood.
Professor Amy Brown has researched what breastfeeding really means to women, how they can feel when things don’t go according to plan and importantly, how we can change things for the next generation of women. Her findings make fascinating reading for anyone with personal experience of breastfeeding difficulties, those who support mothers to make infant feeding decisions that are right for them, or those who simply want to be part of changing the conversation.

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