Why Human Rights in Childbirth Matter by Rebecca Schiller

From Tracy:

This entire series – all listed here – from Pinter & Martin (UK publishers) is an excellent source of information on all things parenting.  They have found experts in each area and have written small guides (typically around 150 pages) for parents on all types of topics.


From Amazon:

The human rights in childbirth movement is gathering pace and followers across the globe. From Venezuela to the UK, via America and Uganda, activists, midwives, mothers, doctors and lawyers are coming together to offer rights-based solutions to the problems in maternity care.

Just what are human rights though? How do they apply to pregnancy and birth? What happens when dignity is absent? And how are innovators and educators using human rights principles to revolutionise care for the next generation of women?

Why Human Rights in Childbirth Matter will bust myths around human rights, explain what your rights in pregnancy and birth are, how caregivers can champion them and provide practical inspiration for mothers, caregivers and campaigners working to improve birth for all women across the world.

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